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aoa电竞:Professor Zhu Weiguo was employed as part-time professor and doctoral supervisor of our university and gave academic reports.

   On January 15, Professor Zhu Weiguo, Director of the Medical Department of Shenzhen University and National Jieqing, was invited to work as part-time professor and doctoral supervisor in our university. The ceremony was held at the State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Resources Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Molecular Engineering, which was jointly established by the provincial and ministry. During this period, Professor Zhu Weiguo gave an academic report entitled Histone Modification and DNA Damage Repair to our teachers and students. Professor Liang Hong, Director of Key Laboratory, presided over the lecture. More than 150 people attended the lecture of Professor Zhu Weiguo, who was responsible for the School of Chemistry and Pharmacy, the key laboratory and the teachers and students.

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